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Products / EnergyCraft™
EnergyCraft is a platform of products and services
that optimize the energy design of your building project
to achieve ultra low energy buildings within a budget,
and deliver maximum value to the building owner.
Traditional Metal Buildings are Energy Hogs!
Traditional pre-engineered metal building design and construction practices result in buildings that are wasteful energy hogs and force owners to sink substantial amounts of money into unnecessary equipment and ongoing energy costs. Sadly, the owners are often not realizing any up front project savings to justify these long term costs.
Why? When considering energy efficiency, many builders will simply start with those traditional poor designs, and look only at how they can upgrade each component of the energy design separately to something more efficient, and for what price. By doing so, they fail to consider that the energy components interact with each other and with the overall building design. The key to getting the best-bang-for-the-buck on your building is understanding the synergies and the available trade offs in the design as a whole.
EnergyCraft™ Your Building
To EnergyCraft™ a building, means to deliver the optimal balance of investment for the owner considering the energy design as a whole, including the envelope, HVAC, lighting, controls, project trade-offs, incentives, operational plans, energy consumption and renewable energy options. Thermal Design offers the EnergyCraft Platform of products and services to achieve just that, and the results speak for themselves.
Fast Payback and Huge Energy Savings
EnergyCraft™ Project:
50,000 sq ft
Conditioned Warehouse
Southern Missouri
Instant Payback with no increase in cost to build after project trade offs when compared
with a minimum code compliant building1 - Huge Projected Energy Savings with an estimated value of $319,055 over 25 years2
The first step to EnergyCraft™ your building is to run an EnergyCraft Synergy Design. EnergyCraft Synergy Design is an analysis of the building design that compares potential options to determine energy savings, cost savings and return on investment. The owner can then choose whether to go with instant payback options or whether to invest a little more for bigger returns.
One example of instant payback, is a 50,000 SF active distribution warehouse in Southern Missouri. There are 15 employees at this facility, who enjoy a comfortable, consistent environment with set point of 65 degrees and a bright attractive interior. The energy efficiency on this project improvements were all offset with other trade-offs, so the building cost no more to build than a comparable code compliant building. Even with no net investment, the owner enjoys significant energy cost savings because he used the EnergyCraft Platform.
1: Compared with an ASHRAE 90.1 2007 code building, based on pricing from TDI and contractor review of project costs
2: Estimated energy savings based on energy analysis of the design. Results will vary by building project, climate and operations
Big Incentives
EnergyCraft™ Project:
25,000 sq ft
Conditioned Workshop and Office
- $51,589 in Incentives from federal and state energy efficiency programs1
- 56% Less Energy Consumption than the Code Minimum Building2
This spec building in Connecticut was designed for ultra low energy use. In addition to the standard project trade-offs, the building’s balance of envelope, HVAC, lighting and controls were optimized further to take advantage of energy incentives. By designing a building that would use less than 50% of the energy of a minimum code compliant building, the project qualified for federal and local incentives that totaled an estimated $51,589, or over $2 a square foot! As part of the EnergyCraft™ Platform, Thermal Design provides incentive support services, including the whole building energy performance simulations that were required to receive these incentives.
1: EPACt Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction (estimated 28% tax rate) and Whole Building Performance Incentive from CLP
2: Based on Appendix G simulation of building vs. ASHRAE 90.1 2007 code building
Net Zero Energy
EnergyCraft™ Project:
20,000 sq ft
Manufacturing and Office
- ZERO Net Energy Use over 12 months1
- Projected Payback Timeframe of <6 years compared with the Code Minimum Building2
With traditional metal building design, so much energy is wasted that investing in enough solar panels or wind generators to meet the net energy needs of the building is not cost justified. However, the EnergyCraft™ Platform enables the economic construction of ultra low energy buildings, reducing the amount of renewable energy generation capacity required to meet the needs of the project. Because of this, Net Zero Energy projects can be a smart investment. For example, an EnergyCraft Net Zero Energy warehouse was built in Nebraska with an expected payback timeframe of less than 6 years, and over $20,412 of energy cost savings expected in the first year alone.
1: Audit of Building Utility Bills, Dec 2011-November 2012
2: Based on Design Energy Audit by a Certified Energy Auditor
*All costs, savings, energy usage, incentives and other figures above are project specific and include estimates and assumptions such as future energy costs, operational management of the building, tax rates, incentive availability, labor rates, and weather conditions, among others. The actual values realized on any project are unique.